It’s 2018, can you believe it?! Where has the past year gone, I know people say that the older you get the faster the years fly by and I can definitely say that 2017 was the quickest year of my life. I think this is probably because we got married in September so most of my year was focused on planning that and then we had the most incredible honeymoon and then all of a sudden it was November! I remember this time last year I woke up and thought ‘We’re getting married this year!’ and began to immediately panic and manically plan and Pinterest. I absolutely loved, loved 2017 but I’m so excited to start 2018 with new goals and new things to focus on.
Take more personal photos
When we were on our honeymoon I made a personal Instagram account and it honestly felt so freeing to have a space to post images of Tristan and I and not worrying about the image being really perfect. I now love that I have a space where I can post pictures of my friends and family and it made me realise that I rarely take pictures just for the memories, instead I’m always looking for the best aesthetic in case I can use it on my blog Instagram account. So this year I want to take more pictures just for the sake of it and to make memories.
Take up yoga
I really stuck with my weekly fitness regime this year along with healthy eating and I’ve honestly never felt better. For the first time in so many years I’ve actually ended the year not feeling over weight and unhappy with my weight and just generally positive and it feels amazing. My main motivation for being healthy and fit last year was the wedding and I so want to keep this up in 2018. Along with spinning and the gym I really want to get into yoga this year, I think the benefits are amazing for both the body and mind and I’m all for finding anything to help with stress!
Travel the UK more
Looking back over the past few years I’ve been lucky enough to travel so much all over the world, and this year I really would love to explore the UK more, specifically around Scotland. The UK is so so beautiful and I absolutely love the countryside so hopefully this year Tristan and I can plan some more UK trips.
Achieve more with my blog & Instagram
2017 really was an amazing year for me in terms of the blog as along with planning a wedding and working full time I still managed to work with some really incredible brands. Now that I have more free time I can focus more time and energy into my blog and Instagram and I’m so excited to create some really amazing content in 2018 and really see what I can achieve. I’d also love to continue to improve my photography as I compared my images from the end of 2016 to the end of 2017 and I could see a noticeable difference so I definitely want to try and continue with learning different ways to edit and shoot as photography is something I really enjoy.
Be more positive
Finally, but probably most importantly I would really like to try and be more positive on a day to day basis. This kind of ties in with yoga and exercise but I find looking after myself massively helps mentally and helps my ability to cope with stress and I’d like to improve this a bit more by actively trying to be positive. As Roald Dahl famously said ‘if you have happy thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely’ and I think this is absolutely true!
Sorry for such a rambled post, but I love to write these posts every year and summarise what I want to achieve in the year to come and just take a moment to step back and write down my thoughts.